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Research Question 6

Citation Odor, P., & Watson, M. (1994). Learning through Smart Wheelchairs. A formative evaluation of the effective use of the CALL Centre’s Smart Wheelchairs as part of children’s emerging mobility, communication, education and personal development. Final report to the Nuffield Foundation and the Scottish Office Education Department, May 1994, Retrieved January 25th 2005 from the World Wide Web:
Question How can an augmented mobility device impact on communication and learning for children with severe and complex disabilities? What is the influence of environmental setting?
Description This qualitative study involved 13 children with severe physical, cognitive and sensory disabilities. They all used the Smart Wheelchair (an augmented mobility device with line following capabilities, impact sensors and voice feedback) for one school year. The children were in three different special schools and progress was rated on their individualized educational plan.
Results • Positive influence on motivation, initiation, exploration, communication and assertiveness
• Some children learned to transition to a standard power chair
• Safe learning environment
Messages • Using augmented mobility equipment can promote broad developmental changes in children
• A supportive environment where the child can spend both structured and unstructured time in the device is critical to a positive outcome for augmented mobility use
Last Updated: Jan 13, 2011