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Kids Wheeled Mobility


Wheeled Mobility Introduction

Many children with disabilities have difficulty or are unable to move independently in order to play and explore their environment. It is well known that development in early childhood is driven by a wide range of sensory-motor experiences. Independent mobility experience is thought to be vitally important in the development of the personality along with cognitive, perceptual, language and social skills.

Children with disabilities who lack the means of independently exploring their world are at increased risk of becoming passive and dependent. In the past, children with physical disabilities were encouraged to move in as ‘normal’ a manner as possible without the use of assistive devices. However, contemporary thought is that ‘normal’ movement patterns may not always be the most effective or efficient for children with disabilities. Depending on the activity or the environment a variety of alternate mobility methods may be used.

The use of assistive technology to facilitate independent mobility is sometimes called augmented mobility and there are several types:

Manual Mobility – includes use of manual wheelchairs or strollers. These mobility devices may be self-propelled or attendant propelled.

Power Mobility – includes powered wheelchairs and other powered devices used by children with disabilities such as powered ride on toy cars, scooter boards or standers.

Alternate mobility – includes tricycles, crawlers, castor carts, gait trainers, walkers etc.

Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children’s Wheeled Research & Innovations

Last Updated: Jul 27, 2015